become flushed in Chinese
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- become
- vi. (became; become) 1.变成,成为,转为,变得〔后接名词、形容词和分词等述语〕。 He has become a sailor. 他成为一名水手。 It has become warmer. 天暖和起来了。 At last the truth became known to us. 我们终于知道了真相。 2.发生,产生。 短语和例子 It s...
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- become of
- (人或事的)情况,遭遇,结果,归属; 发生...情况,怎么啦; 发生…的情况; 发生于;结果是; 降临; 怎样(用于问句)
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- flushed away
- 鼠国大冒险; 鼠国流浪记; 下水道漂流记
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- flushed cheeks
- 颧赤; 颧红
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- flushed complexion
- 面赤; 面色缘缘正赤,面部潮红
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- flushed face
- 面赤; 面红; 面色潮红; 面色涨红
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What is the meaning of become flushed in Chinese and how to say become flushed in Chinese? become flushed Chinese meaning, become flushed的中文,become flushed的中文,become flushed的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by